At Microsoft's support site, they have links to a bootable ISO file for MSDOS 6.22. You could try to create a virtual machine with MSDOS on it, but you'd have to find a way to install MSDOS 6.22 on the virtual machine. Why can't you run the Borland compiler using FreeDOS?

and oh i will also provide with school name.If you can find an old Microsoft Compiler, like 16 bit C / C++ 1.52 (which is included on the 32 bit C / C++ 4.1 cd-rom), or C 8.00 or earlier, it runs using a dos extender or in a 32 bit dos console window. There are many free options out there for graphics programming.if you can give me your email then i will send you the name and email i can not post it here coz she will find out and i will be very thank full to you if your wrote a mail to her. I will write a very nasty letter about how they're teaching you on 20-30 year old tools that nobody uses any more, ensuring you come out with no marketable skills, all because they're too lazy to update their own skill set. Lastly, if you want, you can give me your professor's name and email address, or what school they teach at. I think it's a library that provides the BGI graphics functions for modern Windows compilers/platform. Also, there's something called WinBGI (I'm not familiar with it, but I saw it listed). Keep digging through those links, there are lots of alternatives listed: perhaps it's just an incompatability between the Turbo C and DosBox versions you're using. There are many free options out there for graphics programming.

You run the VM sofware from within Windows 7, like an app, but you have a whole, self-contained "computer" in there. It's great, you can install Windows XP on your machine "on top of" Windows 7 without screwing anything up. I think it's a library that provides the BGI graphics functions for modern Windows compilers/platform.Īlso, have you tried a virtualization program like VM Ware or VirtualBox? It's like a computer within a computer, and it's free.

And it will take more than a month to reconfigure my laptopKeep digging through those links, there are lots of alternatives listed: perhaps it's just an incompatability between the Turbo C and DosBox versions you're using. i can not install windows xp on my system coz that will disturb my whole machine. Right now i am using emulated version of turbo c on dosbox but still that is not giving full support.