Perhaps this is all because Nadeo wasn't, at first, a game developer. Trackmania was made by people with no preconceptions about how a racing game 'should' work and, more importantly, it's remade again and again every day of its life by people who don't care either. Trackmania is, by design and by luck, an evergreen. With hindsight you see that some fade away, some become memories, and then there are the special ones: those that turn out to contain multitudes. But as games inexorably moved towards a community-based and online future they were becoming more social, more personal even. In 2003 the internet was not as it is now, and nowhere near as all-consuming. It has been ten years since French developer Nadeo made its debut with two games side-by-side: Virtual Skipper and Trackmania. To see this content please enable targeting cookies.